
Leagle Beagle March 2020

The Leagle Beagle™ from The Sullivan Firm

March 2020

Your referrals are a sign of trust and we thank you for them!

St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Downtown Chicago

Terry & his associates recently settled a “NURSING HOME VIOLATION” for well into the six figures. Have an issue? Just call.


Yes!! Illinois gives the Department of Public Health “supreme authority” in matters of quarantine & isolation, including the power to close a place and/or make it off-limits to “prevent the probable spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease “. ILCS 2305. But there are protections of the courts built into the law also, including that, if the Department fails to get the person’s consent, it must, within 48 hours, get a court order that must be proven by “clear & convincing evidence”. And the law also allows physical exams, tests, & lab specimens, along with emergency access to medical records.  So…now you know!


As you should know by now , there is a new medical name for the virus: “Covid-19.”This tag comes from the World Health Organization and is now used throughout the media. It seems inevitable but an Arizona audiovisual company is named Covid. Its poor CEO could only say that the naming was “unfortunate” , and yes, “surreal”!


Maybe so, if Illinois passes a proposal which would remove the stupid stranglehold that the wholesalers have had, keeping any retailer from another state from delivering wine to your house without you going through those wholesalers. Currently only the vineyard can do so, keeping you from enjoying what you want and costing the state millions of dollars in taxes and costs to defend a likely unconstitutional pending lawsuit. Senate Bill 3830, sponsored by Sen. Feigenholtz, opposed by liquor wholesalers for obvious reasons, would nonetheless create a huge market for consumer wine delivery.


The State of Virginia still has a law that makes it a crime for unmarried people to have sex. But just this past week, their House of Delegates voted to repeal the ban. Some seemed to think that the law seriously affected the credibility of Virginia’s tourism slogan: “Virginia is for lovers.”


“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” – Author Douglas Adams

“You can teach someone how to dance, but you can’t teach someone how to boogie.” – Actress Rosie Perez

“Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain

“A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.” – H.L. Menchen

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton

“I am not the kind of person women fall in love with. I sort of grow on them, like a fungus.” Jeff Bezos