Leagle Beagle January 2020

The Leagle Beagle™ from The Sullivan Firm


After the school shootings in 2012, several families sued Remington Gun Corporation in Connecticut court, in what has been deemed to be quite fruitless, due to a 2005 law backed by the NRA that gives  the gun industry a broad swath of immunity. But the Supreme Court recently gave the go-ahead for the lawsuit to move forward. What are the practical pluses for the families? Mainly that Remington now must go through a discovery process in which they probably will have to disclose how they market guns & therefore to whom, thru evidence that may include internal memos, e-mails, phone records, plans, etc. It’s a huge ruling and TLB will stay on top of it!


While thinking that they would get a restful night sleep, a North Carolina couple were awakened with loud banging coming from downstairs. Fearing that their home had been entered, they fled to their closet with a phone & immediately called 911; the police lost no time getting to the house & solving the “crime”. The intruding criminal? A new robot vacuum that had somehow turned on and got stuck, continuing to bang into a wall! Nonetheless the couple now felt safe!


A spurned Illinois fiancé who broke up her 7-year relationship was called “crazy” by her ex-partner; so she sent text messages of the ex & his new lover plus nude photos of the female to their families. Authorities charged her with a felony known as the Revenge Porn law. The circuit court threw out the charge for violating her Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech, but the Illinois Supreme Court reversed that ruling, finding such distribution “…is similar to laws prohibiting unauthorized disclosure of other forms of private information, such as medical records, biometric data, or social security numbers.” Now a Minnesota appeals court has found the statute unconstitutional, setting up a possible Revenge Porn issue for the US Supreme Court. TLB will of course follow it! (BTW: 46 states & D.C. have such laws today).


ZANTAC (heartburn): may cause a chemical reaction in the body that can cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma or various types of cancer, with symptoms being everything from headaches & fever to cramps & reduced liver function.

VALSARTAN (blood pressure) Certain batches have been contaminated & recalled and can cause liver, kidney,  pancreatic or other damage & possible blood cancers.

Call us 24/7 if you or a friend or relative believes they’ve been injured. (One of our associates just settled an injury case for $10 million in Cook County.)